I’m sad this not-so-super Wednesday morning.
The woman who has done more homework than the rest of the field combined has been moshed away from the stage by near-octogenarian dudes.
The woman who actually knows how to listen to people is being shouted down.
I was in the Bay Area when San Francisco’s mayor and most prominent gay man were assassinated. The city was damaged and in pain. A woman stepped into leadership and helped the city heal. San Francisco needed some mom energy and Feinstein was able to provide it. She’s not my favorite politician but she was sure what San Francisco needed at the time.
Our republic is in pain. Lady Liberty has had her pussy grabbed and she’s on the floor bleeding.
I think we need a mom-in-chief. Someone who knows how to roll up her sleeves and clean up the mess, send the boys who’ve been bad to their rooms, balance the checkbook, figure out how to buy next weeks groceries, do the laundry, apply band-aids, cut off the junk food supply, make everyone do their homework, get us to school on time, sing us all a lullaby at the end of the day.
Instead we get to choose just how abusive we want dad to be.
Girls to the front.